Landscape & ecology
The masterplan has been carefully designed to preserve and enhance the existing natural landscape and ecological areas within the site. This includes water courses, areas of ancient woodland and habitats designated as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) at Bushy, Middle and Bottom Copse. New woodland planting and biodiversity areas are proposed within the new development.
A 20-metre buffer zone has been incorporated around the SINC woodland area. This area is a no development zone and has been designed for light recreational use to protect local wildlife and ecology within the SINC woodland and establish new ecological areas.
A new ecological mitigation and enhancement area of 4.6 hectares has also been identified between the Woodhouse Meadows and Botley Fields sites to help mitigate the impact from the Bypass and the development. This area will see the creation of new habitat areas that will include the planting of new native trees, shrubs and grasses.